Joyful Happenings

Rare is the person who can weigh the faults of others without putting his thumb on the scales. Byron J. Langenfield (1886-1968) Journalist

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

My New Blog!

Bonjour! I started another blog over at Wordpress, but I'm abandoning this one quite yet. I like Wordpress alot, but I want to try it out for a bit, before I decide on one or the other. Here's the link to my Wordpress blog. Thanks for looking! And remember, I'm still gonna hangout around here! :D

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Happy International Crochet Day!!!

Hello! And, HAPPY CROCHET DAY!!!!! I know I haven't been a faithful blogger (*hangs head in shame*), sooo I am sorry. I don't have much time to type, so I'll just tell you about what I've been working on (sorry, I don't have any pictures):
Shelly Scarf : I made 2 of these scarves, both gifts, and I'm working on a third for my grandmother. This pattern is so fun and quick, I would recommend it to anyone!
Pirate Puppet & co. : My brother is planning on making green screen movies and he is need of puppets. So, he has recruited me and a few others to make him some..Unfortunately, the, umm, pattern has vanished... So that is a minor set back, lol.
I've been testing patterns.

And also, a few other things...

Okay, on a side note........... the lunch lady DOESN'T like me... I have no idea why she wouldn't... She mutilates my pizza almost everyday, lol.

In honor of ICD, why don't you head over to the 'ville, and check out some stuff?

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

International Crochet Day Tomorrow!!

I'm gonna 'recycle' a greeting and say Salut! That's French for hi.

I have a lot to say, but first, I'm gonna leave a few spaces as a moment of silence in recognition of the men and women who died on this day, 6 years ago.

Okay, I have an important message for everyone! Tomorrow is NATIONAL CROCHET DAY! And Jimbo, you may have heard of him.... he creates wooden hooks. Well, he is having a contest in recognition of the wonderful day and guess what he's giving away?! A beautiful hook! Here's the link with all the information..
I'll post again tomorrow and I'll post some stuff.............. Ciao!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Trick or Treat on the Beach!

Shalom! That's Hebrew and is pronounced Sha-LOHM. I finished a few things lately, so I'm going to show them off. Don't worry, it's only two things this
First up is my own design....... I call it Beach Fiesta! How do you like it? I'm going to try to write the pattern down soon.
Next, is a purse/bag that I tested for a lady over at the 'ville. It's called Trick or Treat and I can't wait to try it out this October!

Well, that's all I have for today, oh wait! I have something else! It's not my own picture, but one I found online......

How cute is that? I love that picture!

Okay, that's all I have this time. PFYL (post for you later) !

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Comments, Questions, anyone? Anything?

Nazdar! You pronounce that NAH-zdar and it's Czech ( as in, the Czech Republic, I believe). Well, I was sooooooooooooooo lucky and I got to spend a whole week with Baby Yellow and E.B! I had so much fun! Luckily, I averted the whole diaper changing, and E.B and Fuzzy handled that. lol. His hair is lighten-ing up a bit, and it's now a brown hue. His eyes are obviously still blue, as he's only about 2 weeks old.

On crochet topics, I got RAOK'ed again!! Yay! A really nice lady from the 'ville sent me one point five skeins of wool!! And it's so pretty! I suppose you could say that I got RAOK'ed two more times, because my mom has surprised me with different skeins of cotton yarn this week. I never realized that Suger&Cream and Peaches&Cream were two different brands. *duh, smack forehead* lol, leave it to me to figure that out after 6 months. lol. OH YEAH..... I just remembered that I got RAOK'ed another time, as my ornament swap partner sent me a virtual postcard from Ohio. Wow, I am definitely luck, aren't I? :D

OooooooHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is now available!!!!!! Yaaaaaaayyyyyy! I can't wait 'til we get our copy! My brother found this video online of J.K. Rowling reading the first chapter of the seventh installment last night at a party in London or somewhere around there. I am now craving to read the rest! lol

Before I go, I also wanted to ask a small favor of my readers (if there are any, lol) if you could leave me a comment. I would like to hear more from my readers (again, if you are even out there, lol).

Maybe one thing you could put in that comment you will so nicely have written (lol, if there's anyone to have nicely written a comment, lol) is what you would expect a mer-city's name to be. I know it's an odd request, however, I am writing a story concerning a mer-city but I can't figure out what to call the city.

Well, ahoj! (That's supposed to be good-bye in Czech, but I don't know how to pronounce it. :P)

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Guess What??

Bore da! That's prounounced BOH-ray DAH and is 'Good Day' in Welsh! I have quite a lot to update. First and foremost, Evil Bunny has had her baby!! Yay!! Baby Yellow weighed in at 9 pounds and .4 ounces and was 22.5 inches in length! He already has a headstart on Baby Green! And, oh, Yellow is soooooooo adorable! His eyes are a deep blueish which I think means he'll have brown eyes. And his HAIR!! It's not red! It's so dark, it's black! Yellow came out with a full head of hair! I'm so happy for both mamas and I'm really happy that the two boys will have each other to play with as they grow up.

On crochet topics, I finished my filet bookmark and I believe it's quite obvious that it's my first piece, as it gets smaller and better-looking at the top and is wide and loose at the bottom. All in all it came out pretty nice I must say, but I don't have any pictures because I gave it to my ASIL so she could see it. (In case you are wondering, ASIL is my own creation and it means Almost Sister-In-Law.) I've gotten a bit farther into the body of my 'In Bloom' purse. I am really excited to see how it comes out! I've also started my ornaments for the Crochetville Summer Ornament Exchange. My partner and I have exchanged a few emails and I'm lucky to have such a nice partner!

Speaking of Crochetville, I have been ROAK'ed three times! ROAK stands for Random Act Of Kindness and it's so nice to receive surprises that you've wished for in the mail! The first time, I got a really nice blue variegated thread bookmark which I really appreciated as I read a lot. The second time, I got a postcard from Texas, I collect postcards and I didn't have any not from the East Coast (except for one from London). The third time, corresponded with my Holidays in July wishlist, and it was an ecard that was Happy Bunny! Thank you to my FGMs (Fairy Godmothers)!!

That's it for today! A tout a l'heure!

Monday, July 02, 2007

Something To Smile At

You just have to go, "Awwwwwww...", whether it's a voluntary action or not :), when you see this pic.
It's not my cat, unfortunately, as it's one of the cutest I've seen!